Scent of a Gamer

From the computer to the tabletop, this is all about games. Updated each week-end.

Bard’s Tale III walkthrough part 1: getting there and Skara Brae

The final trilogy remake is here! So, now it’s time for your third and final walkthrough of this venerable trilogy of games.

First, get your group that has finished Bard’s Tale II to any Adventurers’ Guild in the realm:

You’ll find a new option has appeared, to transport your party to volume III.

Click select and select which type of transfer you’d like, and you’ll appear in… a refugee camp outside Skara Brae. From here our walkthrough of Bard’s Tale 3 begins.

The town itself is a short walk away from the camp, and when you get there you’ll realise it has seen better days:

The city layout is roughly the same as you’ll remember from the first game, though more than half the town is in ruins, including many old landmarks.

Familiar, yes. Comfortable, not so much.

Locations of interest in this new Skara Brae are few and far between:

Gate to the wilderness : (N15 E0)

Storage Building (N15 E4): – lots of useful items here, especially if you’re starting with a new party, or with your transferred heroes back at level 1 and without items

The Scarlet Bard (N7 E21): The Scarlet Bard sits in the remains of the Dragon Breath Inn. He will teach your Bard a couple of new songs though.

The Review Board (N20 E23): There’s just one old man left here, who will tell you what’s been happening and also start you off on your quest. You’ll revisit here often.

The Mad God’s Temple (N15 E18): The other temples are completely ruined. Tarjan’s temple is just motly ruined, and it’s here that you’ll access your first dungeon.

Stairs to the catacombs (N2 E23): There’s nothing to see in this space but a letter from a madman. You can access this part of town from the catacombs under the mad god’s temple.

Longinus the Mad (N0 E23): You can only reach here via the catacombs, and it’s not necessary to do so in order to complete the game, only if you are hunting achievements.

Bard’s Tale III is the largest and longest game of the series, but don’t worry; my original clue book and I are here to guide you!

continue on to part 2

2 comments on “Bard’s Tale III walkthrough part 1: getting there and Skara Brae

  1. Pingback: Bard’s Tale II walkthrough part 11: Lagoth Zanta | Scent of a Gamer

  2. Pingback: Bard’s Tale III walkthrough part 2: the catacombs and Unterbrae | Scent of a Gamer

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