Scent of a Gamer

From the computer to the tabletop, this is all about games. Updated each week-end.

A Commander power level guide

The Commander format is a great social way of playing Magic: the Gathering. It’s no surprise that this format has grown to become the single most popular way of playing the game.

However things can stumble at times when members of the group have differing ideas of what an appropriate power level for a deck is. The graphical guide below attempt to put an easily understandable framework around the question. There’s no one, true answer to this, but the ratings below can offer a useful shorthand for where you deck is, and what your play intentions are.

This level indicator can help when you are using the deckbuilding infographic to come up with a plan.

The only comment I would make on the below is that many precons now come at a level of 5-6 out of the box, and do not require any upgrading to get there. Otherwise I find this quite useful when rating my own decks, which tend to sit in the 3-6 range.


This entry was posted on May 24, 2024 by in Magic the Gathering, Commander and tagged , .