Scent of a Gamer

From the computer to the tabletop, this is all about games. Updated each week-end.

Steampunk Predator!

My friend Mike started to tell me a story about a giant statue he has in the house. “All my guy friends love it, but my wife wants me to get rid of it.” Then he showed me some photos. The images speak for themselves, don’t they?  It’s cool, I know you scrolled down before coming back up to read this. I’m not offended.

What you are looking at here is a Predator statue made in Thailand from scrap metal. It weighs roughly 300 kilos.


It was shipped out in pieces, but these pieces were designed to fit together easily. It cost him $1500 to buy. However on arrival in Australia Mike found himself paying various import fees, ‘port security’ fees, and ‘we’ve got you over a barrel’ fees. This added a further $3500 to the cost. Yes, you read that right. It cost more than double to get the statue from the port to Mike’s house than it did to get the statue from Thailand to Australia. At this points i started to see why we often pay such inflated prices for games and suchlike in Australia.




Totally worth it though. As you can see, the use of scrap metal parts has given the statue a great steampunk vibe.  Mike assures me the bits fit together fine, and to be honest I can’t see from any of these pics that this was a self-assembly job.


And here it stands, looming over the household with considerable presence. Who would want to get rid of something as awesome as this?


This entry was posted on November 2, 2013 by in cool stuff and tagged , , .